Video Game Music Quiz

DNS Issues, New Tracks

Posted: 2011-12-02 9:26 AM
The site was down for a while due to a DNS record not being updated when it needed to be. Sorry about that.

I've uploaded a few tracks from the previous incarnation of the site.

If you're a fan of video game music or older computer music, you might want to check out CVGM. It's an online radio station where you can request music. I've been helping add to their library over the last few months.

Long Time No Update

Posted: 2011-02-01 4:47 PM
Once again it seems I've abandoned the site for almost a year. Well, enjoy the new stuff, hopefully it won't be so long before I update again.

Site Attack

Posted: 2010-03-30 7:16 AM
Yesterday my domain, was listed under Google as a possible attack site, that is, a site that distributes malicious code to users. This was due to a breach on my main domain, The issue has been resolved. It did not effect this site, however the entire domain gets blacklisted. Sorry for any inconvenience.
